"Yea, and that same God did establish his church among them; yea, and that same God hath called me by a holy calling, to preach the word unto this people and hath given me much success, in the which my joy is full." - Alma 29:13

Friday, July 20, 2012

Another Baptism on it's way

Hey fam.

Hey how is everything going? I am fine. Working super hard. We are going to have a baptizm this saturday. For Carlos. He says that he knows that it is true and that he is really excited. He says that everytime he enters into the church that he feels peace and forgets all his problems that he has. So he has a really great experience with everything he is doing and he is just super excited for his baptizm. He has been up in the north but he comes back today so we are going to meet with him and teach him a couple things and then hopefully he is going to be having an interview really soon. Hopefully. It all depends in his time that he has. Especially because he is in the marines. But he is such a great guy. I love him to death. He is getting back today and we are going to meet with him and teach him. So we are excited. Other than that we have Enrique and he has a date for the 16th of August and so we are working with him still. After my whole time trying to find him. He knows that it is true and knows he is going to get baptized but just doesn't know when. But we are working with him and everything and he is just awesome. But today we didn't do anything. I don't have any money. We didn't recieve money like we were supposed to today. Probably tomorrow. But it is super fun. It's just that everything here in Punta Arenas is super expensive. But I love this city. At the end of this cambio I will complete 9 months in the zone. I think that after this cambio I am going to the north. So we will see. You never know. But my companion is named Elder Noguera. I don't remember his first name I think Raul? I don't know. He is a computer guy. He is from Bolivia. Another one right? haha but he is ok. I heard a lot of things that were bad but he isn't too bad. It's ok. We are doing well right now. We will see what happens after right. After a little bit of time. But yea other than that nothing new has happened. Just my new companion and Carlos and Enrique. But we are doing well. We will see what happens with Carlos. I'm hoping that he chooses Hno. Ayancan to baptize him or the Bishop. I'm hoping he chooses a member but I don't know exactly what's going to go down with that. We will see.

So you have all been super busy. I love that water park in Ceder. If it's the one that I'm thinking of. I've been to one that was down there. So yea I think I know. It was awesome. I'm glad that you got into the pool and had a good time with the kids and everything. I hope that your little mini trip went well. That is super awesome. I miss trips. But I will have a lifetime of them after my mission. I was talking to Elder Barker today because he is in charge of Finances. He was talking about when we were together a year ago in the MTC and how nuts it was. So we were just talking about the old times in the MTC. It was pretty good just to talk and think about all those times. We are doing awesome. Just weird to think about that the Hermanas from our group are about to die. Oh well they are about to finish their missions. In 5 months. I was talking about that with Elder Barker. They will be going home in like 3 cambios. Those are 6 weeks every cambio. They have 5 months left. It's so crazy. I can't even think about that. But yea I'm super awesome. Well I love you guys tons. Sorry I don't have too much time left. But when I talk to you guys the next time. I will have pictures of a baptizm. I'm super excited for Carlos. I love you guys tons. Have such a great week. I hope all is well and that your week this week goes well also. I love you all a ton. Have a good week and be safe.

Un abrazo,

Elder Tyler Jolley

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