"Yea, and that same God did establish his church among them; yea, and that same God hath called me by a holy calling, to preach the word unto this people and hath given me much success, in the which my joy is full." - Alma 29:13

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Baptising in Punta Arenas

Hey how is everything going?! I'm doing super well. Having a great time here. And it has been pretty cold but it's been good and Just a lot of wind here but it's alright I love it. I'm doing well. So we have had an alright week but it's been good. We gave the Priesthood to Nicolas yesterday and he chose me to ordain him. So that was a pretty neat experience!! It was awesome. So how is everything going with you guys in home? I've been really good. This is the last week of the cambio and so we are getting close to one of us leaving but everybody thinks that Elder Rojas is going to be leaving. So we are sure yet. Either one of us can leave. He has more time in the sector but I have more time in the Zone of Punta Arenas. So we aren't sure yet. We will see but that is going to be awesome. I think he is going to leave and he just won't accept it. But he will when they call to tell us. But yea so once again I am running short on time. So sorry that I won't be writing back everybody. But today we didn't do anything. We got together and watched Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restauration. So that was fun and good. It was good to meet up with the other missionaries and just chill. We are going to see Fabiola's house after this and hang out with them for a little while. So that is going to be good. They are such an awesome family. Such a good family. But I have been having a good experience and everything I'm loving it here. But I love you guys!! I'm so sorry that it has been so short again... Kinda crappy but you know what can you do? I just feel bad because it was one paragraph. But I love you guys tons. Thanks for everything!!! I will write back a little bit to Mel, Tally, Diek, and Papa Richan next week ;) Love you all thanks so much for everything. Hopefully the pictures are good for you guys!!!

Un abrazo,

Elder Tyler Jolley

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